Taylors University College
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) - UniSA program
I dont know whether I made the right decision about this program. It seems to me that it is a stressful program. So far in these 3 days, I had lectures on Marketing Principles, Introduction to Management and Accouting decisions and Accountability. And worst of all, according to my lecturers, Management and Accounting has the highest failing rate o_0 Argh! how now? It is only my 3rd day of university and I am feeling S-T-R-E-S-S And by seeing the thick fat accounting book, I knew that accounting would not be easy anymore in university level. Somemore, I would also like to major in accounting. I think by the time I completed my degree, my hair will turn white! Haha..
I am getting a new laptop soon. My mum has promised to get me one. Cant wait for it to arrive ! It would be much more convenient for me to complete my assignments on laptop rather then using a normal desktop.