Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Never blog for some days already. Updates on me and myself.

Firstly : I got accounts assignment today on Cash Budget. It is alright at first, but I got confused on certain things so ended up my balance sheet cant balance !! And I am not happy about that .. Could have dont better in my opinion.

Secondly: Maths is getting harder. Matrices, easy topic right? Dont look down at it. It can get so complex until you will cry for answers..That's why I need to start doing the exercises in the textbook in order to catch up with the lessons.

Thirdly : Tomorrow is my English text production. I got 3 days to write a 600 words essay = 3 days no english period !! Yay !! But, need to do some revision so that I wont blank out when writing my essay.

Forthly : There will be a speaker coming to our college to give a talk on "How to be a successful businessman/businesswoman?" Cool, this is my chance to grab some tips from him so that I know where I stand in the future. Or be someone like him who is successful in life or career.

Fifthly : Not available at the moment :D