Saturday, July 22, 2006

I've found her ..

I finally found a good friend in class that I can talk to. Share my problems with and tell her stuff that only goes within the four corners of the wall. No doubt that she can help keep secrets and sometimes, we share many things that are in common and the both of us do not realise at all. Our passion for food are endless. We can talk about what is nice to eat the whole day and yet we dont feel bored or tired of it. Occasionally, we do have studies problem and yet, we do not give up in seeking for answers. Yeah !! Thats the passion to success .. *Never Give up* She is a great friend and for that .. Friend Forever H.Jiun <3

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Huei Jiun & I in My Place Apartment. I am currently in her room taking photos with her :)

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